Friday 4th October at 7:30pm, St Michael’s Church, Cumnor

Salt and Light

“One of the best pieces of theatre I have ever seen.”

On Friday 4th Oc­to­ber at 7:30pm we will be de­lighted to wel­come Chris­ti­an theatre company LAMPS back to St Michael’s with their new pro­duc­tion Salt and Light.

They will trans­port us to Lake Ga­lilee, AD 30, where in the little fish­ing com­munity of Caper­naum, some­thing is in the air.

A rad­ic­al new teach­er is walk­ing the shores and ru­mours of mir­acles and heal­ings abound. Who is this man? Can they be­lieve in him? If they can’t, can they be­lieve in what he does? And what does it all mean for them and their lives?

Join us around the camp­fire for shanties, stor­ies and spoken word – the tales of the first dis­ciples.

Who is it aimed at? This LAMPS pro­duc­tion is suit­able for ages 10 and over. As with all LAMPS pro­duc­tions it has been writ­ten with people that don’t nor­mally go to church in mind.

Tick­ets: £10 per per­son. Fam­ily tick­et: £20. (2 adults plus chil­dren aged 10 and over)

In­cludes a glass of wine / free re­fresh­ments.

Book on­line below, phone The Vicar­age on 01865 863702, or visit Cum­nor Post Of­fice.

Tickets may also be available on the door, but why risk missing out?