Category: Videos

  • Sunday Service – 28th April 2024

    Sunday Service – 28th April 2024

    This Sunday at 10:30am is Big Story Sunday. This month, we’re looking at the Church St Paul started in Corinth. Our main reading is 1 Corinthians 1:10-18. Big Story Sunday is an informal service for everyone, from the oldest to the youngest, where we find out together about the Big…

  • Sunday Service – 21st April 2024

    Sunday Service – 21st April 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for Holy Communion. Our theme is The Church at Thessalonica. Jean Pryce-Williams will be leading and preaching, and the readings are Acts 17:1-9 and 1 Thess. 1:1-10 See you there! We are streaming the service live on our YouTube channel,…

  • Sunday Service – 14th April 2024

    Sunday Service – 14th April 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for Morning Worship. Our theme is Peter Heals in Jerusalem. Jonathan Widdess will be leading, and Chris Scruby preaching, and the main reading is Acts 3:1-10. See you there! We are streaming the service live on our YouTube channel, and…

  • Sunday Service – 7th April 2024

    Sunday Service – 7th April 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for Holy Communion. Our theme is You Shall Be My Witnesses. Jessica Turner will be leading and preaching, and the main reading is Acts 1:1-14. See you there! We are streaming the service live on our YouTube channel, and the…

  • Easter Sunday Service – 31st March 2024

    Easter Sunday Service – 31st March 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for our all-age, Easter Communion. See you there! We are streaming the service live on our YouTube channel, and the service will remain available on catch-up here afterwards.You can watch this below: All the words will be onscreen and you…

  • Sunday Service – 24th March 2024

    Sunday Service – 24th March 2024

    This Sunday at 10:30am is Big Story Sunday. This month, as it’s Palm Sunday, we’re looking at the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a Donkey from Mark 11:1-11. Big Story Sunday is an informal service for everyone, from the oldest to the youngest, where we find out together…

  • Sunday Service – 17th March 2024

    Sunday Service – 17th March 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for Holy Communion. Our theme is The End of the Age. Jean Pryce-Williams will be leading and Chris Scruby preaching, and the main reading is Mark 13:1-8 & 24-37. See you there! We are streaming the service live on our…

  • Sunday Service – 10th March 2024

    Sunday Service – 10th March 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for our Mothering Sunday Service. Our theme is “The Great Commandment”. Jonathan Widdess will be leading and preaching, and the reading is Mark 12:28-44. See you there! We are streaming the service live on our YouTube channel, and the service…

  • Sunday Service – 3rd March 2024

    Sunday Service – 3rd March 2024

    Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am in St Michael’s for Holy Communion. Our theme is Jesus’ Parable of the Tenants. Jonathan Widdess will be leading and preaching, and the main reading is Mark 12:1-17. See you there! We are streaming the service live on our YouTube channel, and the…

  • Sunday Service – 25th February 2024

    Sunday Service – 25th February 2024

    This Sunday at 10:30am is Big Story Sunday. This month we’re looking at the story of Bartimaeus being healed of blindness from Mark 10:32-52. Big Story Sunday is an informal service for everyone, from the oldest to the youngest, where we find out together about the Big Story of God’s…