All your donations to the parish support the church’s ministry, help us maintain our buildings and sustain our mission to reach the wider community with the good news of Jesus.
Give Regularly By Direct Debit
Many of our regular members now give via direct debit. If you’d like to join them then there’s a new telephone service from the Parish Giving Scheme that’s designed to enable you to set up a regular Direct Debit gift over the phone.
Please call the dedicated telephone number: 0333 002 1271
Lines are open Monday to Friday, between 9 – 5pm.
You will need to have your bank account details to hand. They will also ask for the church/parish name, this is the Parish of Cumnor and the PGS parish code, which is 270627302.
You will be able to Gift Aid your donation, if eligible, and you will also be given the option to increase your giving annually, in line with inflation.
Give Once Online or Via Your Smartphone
You can also give online to the work of the parish here:

You can also donate using your mobile phone by texting PKWK4 give and the amount to 60777.
So to donate £10, text PKWK4 give 10 to 60777
or to donate £50, text PKWK4 give 50 to 60777
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