We believe in preaching that is Christ-Centred, Bible-based and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

You can find many sermons from our team here to listen to again and again.

Jonathan Widdess preaches from Acts 1 as we explore the way we are called to partner with God in prayer in his work of putting a broken world back together…

Paul in Athens

20th May 2020
David Wenham preaching about the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ as shown in the story of Paul in Athens from Acts 17.
Jonathan Widdess preaches from Acts 7:55-60 on the good that God brings from the awful events of Stephen’s murder, and considers the ways in which God is bringing good from…

Recognising Jesus

26th April 2020

Helen Azer preaching on the story of Doubting/Believing Thomase from John 20:21-31.

Easter Day

12th April 2020
Jonathan Widdess preaching on how the Light of Jesus Christ overcomes the darkness of death on Easter Morning from John 20:1-21

Palm Sunday

5th April 2020
Canon John Rees preaching on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem from Matthew 21:1-11

What can we learn about mission from Jesus encounter with the woman at the well.