Dear friends,
Amid the current coronavirus pandemic, we’re all living with increased levels of fear and uncertainty.
How do we deal with fear? Some help from the Psalms. ‘I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.’ (Ps 34:4). In this psalm, David expresses real fears. He was on the run from Saul, who was trying to murder him! Yet David points to three simple habits that help overcome fear.
1. Praising God always: ‘I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. (1). It was David’s pattern of life to praise God daily, whatever his circumstances. He was acknowledging God’s lordship over his life. Praise affirms that my circumstances are in His hands and He is with me in all that I am going through.
2. Seeking God continually: ‘This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.’ (6). David looked to God, who released him from all his fears. It’s easy for our fears to overwhelm us and rob us of the assurance that God loves us and wants the best for us. When we seek God, He hears us and responds, as He is not powerless to act.
3. Finding refuge in God: ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.’ (8). David’s personal invitation is to taste and see that God is good. Our fears often tell us that the opposite is true for us. Fear tells us that God cannot be trusted and that He will abandon us. We can make God our secure refuge and not be afraid.
This psalm helps us to see fear from a totally different perspective: ‘Fear the Lord, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing.’ (9).
Yours with much love in Christ,
Jonathan Widdess
Vicar of Cumnor
01865 863702
Here is this weeks news….
Sunday Service Online
This Sunday’s online service is led by Eve Lockett with Jonathan preaching and another special appearance from the St Michael’s Church Choir. It will be online at 10:30am on Sunday 10th May,, or you can listen in by phoning 01865 920993.
Zoom Weekly Prayer Meeting
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14
As a parish, we believe in the power of prayer and we want to gather together at this time to seek God’s face. So, every Monday morning starting next Monday, (May 11th) we’re gathering together online to pray for one another, our families, friends and neighbours, our parish, our nation and the world.
We’ll be using Zoom. Everyone is welcome. For more details on how to connect, see this web page.
VE Day 75 Links
We have links to VE Day 75 resources and online events on our website.
Let’s join together for the 2 minutes silence at 11am to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom in the War.
Creative things you can do with your Bible
Bible Society is urging people to make good use of their enforced time at home by using their creativity to read the Bible with better appreciation. To help with this, Bible Society is offering a range of creative Bible-based resources to help people learn new skills, such as journaling, colouring or doing crafts that are Bible-based.
These include:
Bless Our Nest (£5.95) – a colouring book filled with Bible verse designs, featuring colour charts and tools for Bible journaling.
Faithful Papercrafting (£12.99) – now you can create note cards, gift tags and scrapbook paper, mini cards, bookmarks and envelope templates full of inspiring Scripture.
Complete Guide to Bible Journaling (£14.99) – offering new creative techniques for Bible journaling.
For more info go to:
New Dial-in Worship Phoneline
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has launched a free national phone line as a simple new way to bring worship and prayer into people’s homes while church buildings are closed because of the coronavirus.
Daily Hope, offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line.
The line – which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind.
Missing someone who sits near you in church?
Is there someone who you used to sit near to in church, but somehow never quite managed to swap phone numbers and in these days of online church now you would like to get in touch? We can help. Contact Sarah, our Parish Adminstrator on 01865 861541 (leave a message and she’ll get back to you) or email [email protected] and we will get in touch with them for you and ask them if they are happy for you to have their contact details.
Borrow a pew bible?
Would anyone like to borrow a church bible? They are just sitting in church and it may be someone would actually like to read more, but either only has their presentation KJV in tiny script or none at all. We can deliver them to your doorstep (observing appropriate distancing and hygiene etc). Please ask your home group members and other contacts as well! Ring 01865 861541 or email [email protected] if you are interested.
Please continue to pray for
- Those doing the Alpha Course
- Those on the frontline in NHS and care homes.
- The families of Janet Gow, Marjorie and Brian Tomkins, and Shelagh Roberts who have recently passed away.
- Our toddler group Mums and their families
- Those struggling to care for the vulnerable and confused at home without the normal respite services.
- School teachers and pupils as they continue to adapt to learning from home.
- All those feeling lonely and isolated.
- All those who are ill.
- Our mission partner Bia.