This Sunday’s online service is led by Jonathan with Jean Pryce-Williams preaching. Roger Long is leading our prayers, there’s the next in our new series, 30 Seconds of Thankfulness, and the St Michael’s choir sing “Be Still”.

This service is in the form of an Agape meal. The Agape is a fellowship meal, a very ancient tradition of the Church. It is sacramental in the sense that every shared meal, and every aspect of our life as God’s children on God’s good earth, can be called sacramental. During the Agape, food and drink are shared as symbols of fellowship with God and with one another. Agape is the Greek word for love as unconditional self-giving. Though we are distanced in our separate homes, this service reminds us that we are all one in Christ.

If you wish to participate in the meal, you will need to have ready some bread or crackers, as well as something to drink, and other food if you choose. 

You may also like to have a candle to light during the service.

Online Service for week beginning June 28th 2020 from Parish of Cumnor on Vimeo.

All the words are on the screen, but if you would prefer a printed order of service you will be able to download one here:

You can also listen to this service by phoning 01865 920993

The service will be available by telephone until Friday lunchtime the following week. 

Virtual Coffee Time

After the service on Sunday at 11:30am, we will be gathering together on Zoom to catch up with one another.

Simply click on this link to join in:
Meeting ID: 932 4893 3388
Password: coffee

If you’re not used to using zoom, there is a handy guide here: