Worship This Week
St Andrew’s in the Dean Court Community Centre
11:30am Morning Worship
Leader: David Wenham
Preacher: Chris Scruby
St Michael’s, Cumnor
10:30am Holy Communion
Leader and preacher: Jonathan Widdess
St Mary’s, Farmoor
No Service
Online Worship
The 10:30am services in St Michael’s will be live-streamed via our website at:
These will remain available to watch online afterwards.
Music for a Summers Evening with Wantage Concert Brass

Thank you to everyone who helped make last week’s concert such a success whether by helping or by coming along and enjoying the music!
We raised just over £580 shared between the Church and Wantage Silver Band.
Watch this space for news about a Christmas Concert in St Michael’s.
15 Minutes A Day With God

Do you manage to set aside (at least) 15 minutes a day to engage with God through reading the Bible and prayer? Imagine the difference it would make to your life if you did!
There’s a great handout you can download with suggestions and resources to help. It’s available online or you can pick up a printed copy from the back of St Michael’s.
Living in Love and Faith – Deanery Course
The Living in Love & Faith course for our Deanery at Peachcroft Christian Centre, Abingdon on Saturday, 2 July has had to be cancelled. Further dates will be offered in the future.
Tower Roof Repairs

You may have noticed there is now scaffolding on the south side of the St Michael’s tower. This is to enable work to replace the lead on the roof. Work started on Monday and is expected to continue for about 2 more weeks.
All the historic lead is to be preserved, with the most significant parts mounted in the tower itself for visitors to enjoy, and other sections sold to local people. Watch for more news on this in the next few weeks.
Gaia Exhibit at The University Church of St Mary the Virgin

On my day off this week Amanda and I visited the University Church to see “Gaia” by Luke Jerram. It’s an amazing piece of art which I found both profoundly moving and thought-provoking. It’s free to see and it’s there everyday until July 10th. Highly recommended.
Being A Trustee At Oxenford House
Oxenford House provides a home for twenty-five residents with varying levels of care needs including those individuals requiring short periods of respite care and day care. Residents are encouraged and enabled to have active, fulfilled and worthwhile lives by engaging in numerous activities such as musical movements, poetry sessions , visits from entertainers , craft sessions, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, outings ( e.g. to Cotswold Wildlife Park ) and specific activities requested by residents.
Cumnor and the surrounding area can be proud of the support it has given to Oxenford House since it opened in The Glebe in 1990 as a not for profit organisation to provide for the needs of older people Our residents have benefited greatly from the interest displayed by many local people from the early days of raising funds and setting up the organisational structures required to those volunteers who have given freely of their time over the years to engage with our residents.
Oxenford house is managed by a General Manager and a small group of trustees. The latter are volunteers who bring to the house their own varied skills and experience ( e.g. experience of working with older people and other client groups in either a voluntary or professional capacity, nursing, marketing, business, I.T. , human resources etc and also personal experience of the care sector. Our trustees use their many and varied experiences to help ensure the continued smooth- running and excellent reputation of Oxenford House which has received an “ Outstanding “ rating for Care by the Care Quality Commission and has been rated “ Good “ in all other areas.
We are currently seeking another couple of trustees to replace those who are planning to relinquish their roles after many years service. As a trustee you would be expected to attend a bi-monthly meeting of the Executive Committee along with other trustees and the General Manager. There are also bi-monthly meetings of the trustees at present and you would be welcome to join in with an activity of your choice with residents as well as attending the annual barbecue and Christmas party. Training and support are provided both in-house and by the Abbeyfield Society , a national charity of which Oxenford house is a member
If you would like to know more about being a trustee please contact Cath Baldock at e-mail [email protected] or tel: 01865 803707.
Accommodation Sought
Daniel and Leakhena Durston are a missionary family who are looking for accommodation to rent in the Littlemore or surrounding areas. They will be looking for a place over the summer. Please pray for them and if you can help then please email them on [email protected]. Thank you.
Hymns and Cake at St Mary’s
Hymns and Cake’ is the new informal cafe type gathering on the fourth Sunday of every month at 3.30 pm St Mary’s Church Farmoor. We would very much welcome some help with refreshments etc on a regular or not so regular basis. For more info, please call Jean on 07927 236961.
Listen to Jean talking about it on Radio Oxford.
Taizé Worship

The next Taizé service is on August 7th at 4:30pm.
The songs and readings for March remain available online at: https://cumnor.org/taize-service-march-2022/ , and all our previous Online Taizé services can be found at https://cumnor.org/taize/
Toddler Group

The St Michael’s Toddler group meets on Wednesdays mornings in the Parish Centre, 1 Abingdon Road.
Each session costs just £1 and runs from 9am-11am during term times. The group is open to everyone.
For more details please contact Dianne Taylor (01865 862165) or Angela Evans (01865 864397).
Choir Practice
St Michael’s Choir practice in Church on Friday evenings at 6:30pm. New members are always welcome. Please contact Andrew Dyer for more details. Tel: 01865 862042 e-mail: [email protected]
The Bellringers practice on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9pm. Please contact Jenny Dyer for more details. Tel: 01865 862042 e-mail: [email protected]. Their website is at https://cumnorbellringers.uk.
Ukraine – We Can Do Something

If you would like to use the church for prayer and reflection, a dedicated area is now available in St Michael’s.
We can also pray using Christian Aid’s resources or this prayer for peace from +Steven.
A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
God of compassion,
Have mercy this day on the people of Ukraine.
Restore to them the gift of peace.
Grant wisdom to the governments of the world.
Bring good in the midst of evil and suffering,
For the sake of Jesus Christ your Son,
Who gave his life to bring peace to your world
Christian Aid are encouraging people to sign a change.org petition launched by Together With Refugees member, Freedom From Torture. It’s calling on the government to provide humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine, and asking for urgent concessions on the Nationality and Borders Bill.
Cash donations to a registered and regulated charity are best at this time. You can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal here: DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Another option is to buy “survival items” from the online aid shop of the charity RefugEase. It sells food parcels, hygiene packs and medical packs.
Don’t Look Away
The Ukrainian Institute has an excellent web site with further information.
Oxford diocese also has a webpage dedicated to a Christian response to the war, which they are keeping updated.
Staying safe online
Getting online can make life easier in many ways, but there is also a risk of scams and fraud.
Age UK has advice on how to stay safe online.
Bible Readings
Almighty God,
you have broken the tyranny of sin
and have sent the Spirit of your Son into our hearts whereby we call you Father:
give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service,
that we and all creation may be brought to the glorious liberty of the children of God;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Please Pray For…
- The conflict in the Ukraine.
- The staff and pupils at our local schools.
- New people to find a living faith in Jesus and join us in church.
- The families and friends of Peppy Smeaton, and Stella Morris who have passed away recently.
- Kate and Harry who are getting married in St Michael’s on July 30.
- Olivia and George Ward who are being baptised during Big Story Sunday on July 24th.
- The repairs to the tower roof at St Michael’s.
- Victims of domestic abuse and all those affected by femicide.
- Those affected by COVID and especially those suffering from Long-COVID.
- Our CMS mission partner Bia.
- The work of BeSpace, one of the organisations we support with our mission giving.
- The ongoing rebuilding work at St Andrews.
- Everyone who leads worship, preaches or teaches in our parish.
Worship Services in July
Sunday 10th July
St Andrew’s in the Dean Court Community Centre
11:30am Holy Communion
Leader and preacher: Jonathan Widdess
St Michael’s, Cumnor
8am Holy Communion (1662)
Leader and preacher: Jonathan Widdess
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader and preacher: Jean Pryce-Williams
Sunday 17th July
St Andrew’s in the Dean Court Community Centre
11:30am Morning Worship
Leader: David Wenham
Preacher: John Chorlton
St Michael’s, Cumnor
10:30am Holy Communion
Leader and preacher: Jonathan Widdess
Sunday 24th July
St Andrew’s in the Dean Court Community Centre
11:30am Morning Worship
Leader: David Wenham
Preacher: Jessica Turner
St Michael’s, Cumnor
8am Holy Communion (1662)
Leader and preacher: Jessica Turner
10:30am Big Story Sunday
Leader: Jonathan Widdess
St Mary’s, Farmoor
3:30pm Hymns and Cake
Led by: Jean Pryce-Williams
Sunday 31st July
St Andrew’s in the Dean Court Community Centre
11:30am Morning Worship
Leader: David Wenham
Preacher: from Christians Against Poverty
St Michael’s, Cumnor
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader: Jonathan Widdess
Preacher: Chris Scruby
Jonathan Widdess
01865 863702 / [email protected]
The Vicarage,
1, Abingdon Road
Kate Elliott
Safeguarding Officer
07782 350491 / [email protected]