This Week
Worship Services
This Sunday (5th March)
St Andrew’s, Dean Court
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader and Preacher: Jonathan Widdess
St Michael’s, Cumnor
10:30am Holy Communion
Leader and Preacher: Jean Pryce-Williams
4:30pm Taizé Service
St Mary’s, Farmoor
No Service
Online Worship
The 10:30am services in St Michael’s are usually live-streamed via our website at:
These remain available to watch online afterwards.
Lent Course
For our Lent Course this year we’re studying “How To Hear God” by Pete Greig of 24-7 Prayer and The Prayer Course. The next session is on Monday 6th March in St Michael’s Church, 1, Abingdon Road. Each evening kicks off at 7:30pm, and will last until 9pm. Once again this year we will be joined by folks from St Peter’s, Wootton.
If you missed last week, or can’t join us in person you can also follow the course videos and questions for reflection online at
You can also buy a copy of the book online at or from all good Christian booksellers.
All Welcome!
The Passion
Sunday 26th March at 7:30pm, St Michael’s, Cumnor
The life, death and resurrection of Jesus are recreated in this moving, memorable and ultimately joyful retelling of the Easter story by LAMPS Collective.
Told from the perspectives of Peter, Mary Magdalene and a Roman centurion named Marcus, this powerful contemporary drama leads us up to and through the events of Holy Week, to the cross and beyond.
Buy tickets online at, in person from Cumnor Post Office (from Tuesday 7th March )or ring The Vicarage on 01865 863702. Tickets cost just £10 and the performance lasts 75 minutes followed by light refreshments.
Who is it for?
This event is for adults and older children and would be a wonderful thing to invite your friends, family and neighbours along to. There are postcards available at the back of St Michael’s and St Andrew’s for you to give away.
Praise for The Passion
“A very moving and beautiful portrayal of the most amazing story in history. Phenomenal performers!”
“The story of The Passion as I’d never seen it before. Impacting and memorable”
“The most moving experience I’ve had in this church in 81 years”
“You could hear a pin drop – a hugely talented cast who kept us captivated.”
“Very powerful and very descriptive (really helpful as we’re visually impaired.)”
“Came across as very real – like they’re talking to you!”
“Great performance – simple but profound and beautifully produced.”
“Peter’s expression at the resurrection scene, the angst gone! It was beautiful. And the centurion at the cross, as it went on and on. Superbly done. And the music too. Thank you.”
Who are LAMPS?
LAMPS is a collective of Christian artists that produce fabulous live events and creative resources for the church.
Their aim is to create work that will inspire, challenge, entertain and provoke thought about the nature of God, life and the universe.
LAMPS is an acronym which stands for Love, Action, Music, Poetry and Stories – all things close to their hearts!
“Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
As you may be aware, our Parish finances are at a low ebb. While we know things are difficult for many this winter, we really do need your support. If everyone could give just a little extra every week it would make all the difference.
All your donations to the parish support the church’s ministry, and our mission to reach the wider community with the good news of Jesus.
Apart from the weekly collection, you can also give online. Alternatively, giving regularly by Direct Debit via the Parish Giving Scheme is a brilliant option.
For more information or to give online please visit:
The Coffee Pot
The Coffee Pot aims to provide a warm and welcoming space for all and is now open each Thursday until 1.30pm providing light lunches. So, from 10.30-12.00 hot drinks and cake will be on the menu and from 12.00-1.30 we will be offering a variety of cup soups, rolls and crumpets which we hope will keep everyone warm and fed. Come and join us. Angela Sheppard.
Memories Café
Memories Café meets once a fortnight in Cumnor Cricket Club. Our next meeting is Tuesday 14th March 2:30pm until 4pm.
We are a lively bunch who just like to chat, sharing memories, over a cup of tea and cake. We would love to see you. If you would like to know more please contact Jan Harris on 01865 864169.
Toddler Groups
St Michael’s Toddler Group
The St Michael’s Toddler group meets on Wednesday mornings in the Parish Centre, 1 Abingdon Road. Each session costs just £1 and runs from 9am-11am during term times. The group is open to everyone.
For more details please contact Dianne Taylor (01865 862165) or Angela Evans (01865 864397).
St Andrew’s Toddler Group
The St Andrew’s Toddler group meets on Friday mornings in St Andrew’s Church, Orchard Road. Each session has a suggested donation of just £1 and runs from 9:30am-11am during term times. The group is open to everyone.
For more details please contact Sue on 01865 864991
Taizé Worship
The next Taizé service will be held in St Michael’s on Sunday 5th March, at 4:30pm.
Online Taizé services can be found at
Choir Practice
St Michael’s Choir hold their practice in Church on Friday evenings at 6:30pm. New members are always welcome. Please contact Andrew Dyer for more details. Tel: 01865 862042 e-mail: [email protected]
The Bellringers practice on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9pm. Please contact Jenny Dyer for more details. Tel: 01865 862042 e-mail: [email protected]. Their website is at
Make a Difference in Ukraine
If you would like to use the church for prayer and reflection, a dedicated area remains available in St Michael’s.
You can find information on Hosting refugees, Supporting refugees, Why we should help, and some Prayers & liturgy on the Oxford Diocese Website.
Bible Readings
Labourers in the Vineyard
Almighty God,
you show to those who are in error the light of your truth,
that they may return to the way of righteousness:
grant to all those who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ’s religion,
that they may reject those things that are contrary to their profession,
and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same;
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.Amen
Worship Services in March
Sunday 5th March
St Andrew’s, Dean Court
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader and Preacher: Jonathan Widdess
St Michael’s, Cumnor
10:30am Holy Communion
Leader and Preacher: Jean Pryce-Williams
St Mary’s, Farmoor
No Service
Sunday 12th March
St Andrew’s, Dean Court
10:30am Holy Communion
Leader: David Wenham
Preacher: Jessica Turner
St Michael’s, Cumnor
8am Holy Communion (1662)
Leader and Preacher: Jessica Turner
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader and Preacher: Jonathan Widdess
St Mary’s, Farmoor
No Service
Sunday 19th March – Mothering Sunday
St Andrew’s, Dean Court
10:30am Family Service
Leader: David Wenham
Preacher: Eve Lockett
St Michael’s, Cumnor
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader and Preacher: Jonathan Widdess
St Mary’s, Farmoor
No Service
Sunday 26th March
St Andrew’s, Dean Court
10:30am Morning Worship
Leader and Preacher: David Wenham
St Michael’s, Cumnor
8am Holy Communion (1662)
Leader and Preacher: Jonathan Widdess
10:30am Big Story Sunday
Leader: Jonathan Widdess
7:30pm The Passion
St Mary’s, Farmoor
3:30pm Hymns and Cake
Leader: Jessica Turner
Please Pray For…
- Please keep praying for the staff and pupils at Cumnor C.E. School, and for Voirrey and the governors on the selection panel as the process of recruiting a new Headteacher gets under way.
- The families of Sue Gunn, James Hamilton, and Henry Prince as they mourn.
- The ongoing LLF process, for the Bishops, for church unity, for our shared witness as the Church of England, and for the wider unity and witness of the Anglican Communion at this time.
- More new people to find a living faith in Jesus and join us in church.
- The conflict in the Ukraine.
- Everyone who leads worship, preaches or teaches in our parish.
Jonathan Widdess
01865 863702 / [email protected]
The Vicarage,
1, Abingdon Road
Parish Office
01865 861541 / [email protected]
Kate Elliott
Safeguarding Officer
07782 350491 / [email protected]