Newsletter for September 12th 2021
This Sunday @ St Michael’s
Join us at 10:30am on Sunday morning in St Michael’s for Morning Worship. Jean Pryce-Williams is leading and preaching from Galatians 5:26-6:5.
This Sunday @ St Andrew’s
Join us at 10am on Sunday morning in St Andrew’s for Holy Communion. David Wenham is leading and Chris Scruby preaching on Galatians 5:13-25.
Online worship
The 10:30am Service in St Michael’s will be live-streamed via our website at:
The service will remain available to watch afterwards.
You can also listen to this service by phoning 01865 920993 – the service will be available by telephone from about 12:30pm on Sunday.
Collect for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit
upon your Church in the burning fire of your love:
grant that your people may be fervent
in the fellowship of the gospel
that, always abiding in you,
they may be found steadfast in faith and active in service;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Readings for Sunday
Galatians 5:26-6:5
26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
6 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. 3 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. 4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load.
Vicarage News
You may well have heard by now that earlier this week Benji tested positive for COVID. He has been feeling quite poorly but is now recovering well.
As we are fully vaccinated Amanda and I do not need to self-isolate, however, in line with the guidance, we are avoiding close contacts with people outside our household until Friday 17th September.
Thank you for holding him and all of us in your prayers,
Taizé Service

If you tried to access this month’s Taizé service before Monday afternoon, you might have noticed that an old one was uploaded by mistake.
There is now an updated, online, Taizé service for September available.
Sorry for the confusion!
With readings, prayers and meditative sung worship, it’s still the perfect way to find some peace in the stresses and strains of life.
Worship for Seniors
The August edition of our online series of Worship for Seniors is available at https://cumnor.org/worship-for-seniors-august-2021/. William Cutting’s theme this month is “Hands”.
Worship for Seniors is a monthly series of devotional videos for seniors and those in care homes. Each episode lasts about 15 minutes.
Faith and Art
David Lockett has released the last in the current season of his Faith and Art series, exploring “Simeon In The Temple With The Christ Child” by Rembrandt. Watch it here: https://cumnor.org/faith-and-art-august-21/
Choir Practices
St Michael’s Choir practice in Church on Friday evenings at 6:30pm. New members always welcome. Please contact Andrew Dyer for more details. Tel: 01865 862042 e-mail: [email protected]
The Bellringers practice on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9pm. Please contact Jenny Dyer for more details. Tel: 01865 862042 e-mail: [email protected]
On Friday 10th at 7pm the ringers will be ringing a half-muffled quarter peal in memory of a close ringing friend of Marion’s (one of our ringers), John Sunderland – his memorial service is earlier that day in Streatham.
Forthcoming Worship Services
St Andrew’s @ 10am
19/9 Morning Worship (Galatians 5:26-6:5) – Jessica Turner
26/9 Morning Worship (Galatians 6:6-18) – David Wenham
3/10 Harvest
St Michael’s @ 8am
19/9 Holy Communion (1662) (Galatians 6:6-18) – Jonathan
St Michael’s @ 10.30am
19/9 Morning Worship (Galatians 6:6-18) – Jonathan
26/9 Big Story Sunday (Matthew 9:1-8) – Jonathan
3/10 Harvest
St Michael’s remains open for private prayer on Monday and Friday, 9am-5pm.
Please Pray For…
- Pupils, teachers and staff at Cumnor C.E. School as they cope with a significant number of COVID cases at the start of term.
- Jonathan, Amanda, Elizabeth and especially Benji as Benji recovers from COVID.
- Those affected by COVID and especially suffering from Long-COVID.
- Our CMS mission partner Bia.
- The St Andrew’s Rebuilding Project.
- All those who remain anxious for their jobs or their future.
- Those who are homeless or struggling with food poverty.
- People to find a living faith in Jesus.
- Everyone who leads worship, preaches or teaches in our parish.
St Michael’s Parish Office
1, Abingdon Road,
01865 861541
[email protected]
The Parish Office answerphone is being checked regularly or please get directly in touch with Jonathan.
Jonathan Widdess
The Vicarage,
1, Abingdon Road
01865 863702
[email protected]
Kate Elliott
Safeguarding Officer
07782 350491