“What is this Wisdom that has been given to Him?”


Lord, help me to take your words and bind them upon my heart.
When I walk, may they guide me.
When I sleep, may they watch over me.
When I awake, may they speak to me.
May they be like a lamp and a light.
Keeping me on the way of life.
Guard my heart, O Lord, I pray.

Song – 43. Veni Lumen

Veni Creator Spiritus.
Veni lumen cordium,
veni lumen cordium.

Come Holy Spirit.
Come creator spirit, come.
Come and lead us with your light

Song – 134. Seigneur, tu gardes mon âme.

Ô Dieu, tu connais mon cœur.
Conduis moi, sur le chemin d’éternité.
Conduis moi, sur le chemin d’éternité,

Lord, you watch over my soul.
You know my heart.
Lead me on the road to eternity.

Psalm 145.

1 I will honour you, my God the King. I will praise your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will praise you. I will praise your name for ever and ever.
3 Lord, you are great. You are really worthy of praise. No one can completely understand how great you are.
4 Parents will praise your works to their children. They will tell about your mighty acts.
5 They will speak about your glorious majesty. I will spend time thinking about your miracles.
6 They will speak about the powerful and wonderful things you do. I will talk about the great things you have done.
7 They will celebrate your great goodness. They will sing with joy about your holy acts.
8 The LORD is gracious. He is kind and tender. He is slow to get angry. He is full of love.
9 The LORD is good to all. He shows deep concern for everything he has made.
10 Lord, every living thing you have made will praise you. Your faithful people will praise you.
11 They will tell about your glorious kingdom. They will speak about your power.
12 Then all people will know about the mighty things you have done. They will know about the glorious majesty of your kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is a kingdom that will last forever. Your rule will continue for all time to come. The LORD is faithful and will keep all of his promises. He is loving toward everything he has made.
14 The LORD takes good care of all those who fall. He lifts up all those who feel helpless. 15 Every living thing looks to you for food. You give it to them exactly when they need it.
16 You open your hand and satisfy the needs of every living creature.
17 The LORD is right in everything he does. He is loving toward everything he has made. 18 The LORD is ready to help all those who call out to him. He helps those who really mean it when they call out to him.
19 He satisfies the needs of those who have respect for him. He hears their cry and saves them.
20 The LORD watches over all those who love him. But he will destroy all sinful people.
21 I will praise the LORD with my mouth. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.


Lord, thank you that you died –
The Righteous for the unrighteous,
Help me to live today in a right relationship with you –
And in a right relationship with my neighbours . . . .

Nothing can ever come between us and the love of God.

The love of God revealed to us in Christ Jesus.

Jesus, your spirit in us, is a wellspring of life everlasting.

Mark 6:1-6

A Prophet Without Honour

6 Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.

“Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? 3 Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offence at him.

4 Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith

Song. Wait for the Lord. Whose day is near.

Wait for the Lord, keep watch, take heart.

Silence may be kept

Song 118. In resurrectione tua Christe,

In resurrectione tua Christe, cœli et terra lætentur

Let heaven and earth rejoice in your resurrection, O Christ

O Lord hear my prayer,

O Lord hear my prayer
When I call answer me.
O Lord hear my prayer,
O Lord hear my prayer,
Come and listen to me

The Lord’s Prayer

The Blessing (UK)

Click here https://youtu.be/PUtll3mNj5U to listen to this song.