Category: Taizé
Taizé Service March 2022
Sunday 6 March 2022 Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace. Song 26- In our darkness there is no darkness Song 1- Within our darkest night….…
Taizé Service February 2022
February 6th 2022 The Calling of the Disciples As I enter into prayer today, I rest for a moment in the confidence that – whatever may seem wrong with the world, or with me, or with my life – God’s love redeems it all. The Lord has visited his people…
Taizé Service January 2022
January 2nd 2022 “Right at the depth of the human condition, lies the longing for a presence, the silent desire for a communion. Let us never forget that this simple desire for God is already the beginning of faith…” (Brother Roger, founder of Taizé) Song 59 Venite Exultemus. O Come…
Taizé Service December 2021
Sunday 5th December 2021 This month’s Taizé service is on Sunday 5th December at 6:30pm in St Michael’s, and the readings, prayers and songs are also available below. When in prayer, human language does not express well what we have deep within ourselves. We do not need to worry. In…
Taizé Service November 2021
On November 7th at 6.30pm. The Taizé team, including harpist Anna Lockett and Cantor Voirrey Carr, is delighted to announce we will be holding our first ‘live’ service at 6.30pm next Sunday, at St Michael’s church. Everyone is welcome to come along to enjoy 45 minutes of simple worship, with beautiful…
Taizé Service October 2021
Sunday 3rd October 2021 When Jesus died on the cross – so did your sin. When He rose from the dead – so did your Hope Veni Lumen Veni Creator Spiritus. Veni lumen cordium, veni lumen cordium. Come Holy Spirit. Come creator spirit, come. Come and lead us with your…
Taizé Service September 2021
Sadly, our hopes to gather again for Taizé worship in St Michael’s church have had to remain on hold. Therefore, until November 2021, we will continue to make our Taizé services available online, so that people can participate in a Taizé style reflection, with its key elements (Bible reading, psalm,…
Taizé Service August 2021
SUNDAY 1st August 2021 Jesus said: I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6: 35 Prayer Thank you Lord, That you, the God of Miracles,The God who raised Jesus from the dead,The God who…
Taizé Service July 2021
“What is this Wisdom that has been given to Him?” Prayer Lord, help me to take your words and bind them upon my heart. When I walk, may they guide me. When I sleep, may they watch over me. When I awake, may they speak to me. May they be…
Taizé Service June 2021
Holy Spirit, mystery of a presence, you enfold us with your peace that comes to touch our inmost heart, bringing us a breath of life. (Brother Roger, founder of Taizé) We normally stick to Taizé songs but, this month, as we recall the power of the Holy Spirit to touch…